UTN Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca

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National Technological University

This genesis imprinted special characteristics on the University still distinctive at present:

  • Federal in character: 30 Colleges and two Development Centers all over the country;
  • Full dedication to the teaching of engineering and other programs related to technology; it is the only university in Argentina that has engineering as its main objective;
  • Teachers coming from the production field and the majority of the students belonging to the working force.
  • It is a physical and virtual network connecting the interests of each of the regions that make up the country.

Engineering Academic Programs at UTN:

  • Electrical
  • Civil
  • Aeronautical
  • Metallurgical
  • Mechanical
  • Industrial
  • Electronic
  • Electromechanical
  • Textile
  • Information systems
  • Chemical
  • Fisheries
  • Naval
  • Automotive
  • Railway systems

It also offers degrees in Industrial Organization and Rural Administration, in addition to approximately 38 short programs, 21 Bachelor degrees and articulation programs, and 30 Masters and PhD programs.

  • There are about 84.000 students at UTN.
  • 15 engineering programs are currently offered (ten of which have been accredited); this involves, in the Colleges total, 113 engineering programs with a total of 58713 students, which accounts for 42% of all engineering students in the country, and 44% of all engineering graduates per year. (Source: Araucano 2013).
  • Regarding Research, thirteen R + D + i nucleate more than 2,400 researchers who are responsible for implementing 650 projects in 25 centers and 47 groups. In this context, the doctorate in engineering has accredited seven mentions.


UTN represents a paradigmatic case of change management aimed at continuous improvement. In Argentina, as well as in the rest of Latin America, assessment and accreditation processes started to gain momentum in the ´90s.

Since 2003, different actions have been implemented to make UTN a leader regarding its curriculum design, faculty members, postgraduate education, conversion of part-time into full-time teaching positions, growth of the outreach services and research activities, etc.

Some state funding programs have helped to achieve these objectives. These funding programs include: incentive programs for researcher-professors, funds for higher education quality improvement, programs for relocating young researchers, programs to improve engineering education, a connectivity program (ITC’s), programs for university infrastructure (mainly new buildings), etc.

A balance has been achieved between the number of full-time professors and part-time professors, who continue professionally active outside the university context while making their contribution to the programs through their empirical knowledge.

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